Archive | May, 2007

This is Frazetta?

31 May

While researching a job, I was looking up Frank Frazetta artwork.

His stuff is pretty iconic and genre-defining in its scope. Think Conan.

Then, I came across this…

Much more my speed. Turns out he did a lot of work on “Lil’ Abner” comics back in the day.
But the old saying is true, “If you’re gonna something something, Ya gotta be good at both!”

Flickr lickin’

31 May

The Ashera

31 May

This cat will grow to be 30 lbs. its a mix of African Cerval, Asian Leopard Cat, and good ole housecat. And it only costs 22 grand.

Go to to get yer tabby.

Old Trojans

31 May

These old condoms are up for sale on ebay.

Bid On Really Old Latex. I’m sure they’re still good.

Font Of The Day!

31 May

So, I was thinking that I love fonts and use them quite often. Why not share them with you?

C’mon, who doesn’t love a good font?


I get a lot of my fonts from They have a fantastic selection of fonts. Fonts font font.

Today’s font is by Kimberly Geswein. It is called Love Ya Like A Sister.


( I use the word SLOGAN as my font sample because its been my “tag” for the past bunch of years.)


Love Ya Like a Sister (ttf)

Flickr’d up.

31 May

Corporal Caray.

31 May

I had seen this a couple of months ago and I found it a lil disturbing.

Japanese Beer For Kids!

31 May

Mmmm. full of head.

Flickr what?

30 May

Flickr randomness.

500 years of women in art

30 May