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Tim Noble and Sue Webster

15 Jun

This British duo is creating stuff that absolutely floors me. I can’t help but be jealous.

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Dirty White Trash [With Gulls], 1998

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Real Life is Rubbish, 2002

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, HE/SHE, 2003

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, The Dead and the Disappeared, 2005

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, A Pair of Dirty Fucking Rats, 2005

Time Noble and Sue Webster, Two Figures in a Landscape (The mini Wrong Gallery), 2006

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, $, 2001

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Girlfriend From Hell, 2004

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Forever, 2001


More pieces.


Graf Castle.

15 Jun

The Graffiti Project decided to have Brazilian artists OS GEMEOS (twins), Nina Pandolfo, and NUNCA paint Kelburn Castle in Scotland. Kelburn is the official home of the Earls of Glasgow.

Time lapse of exterior painting.

Its like letting Banksy decorate!

15 Jun

This website is selling vinyl stickers to put on your walls. They try to get a lil’ philosophical about their wares, but in essence its just to make your flat look more posh.




15 Jun

This is a viral for a book, i think.

My guess is that the director is a fan of Channel 102…and MTV VJ’s from the ’80s….and NYC socialites? Oh yeah, and midgets.” – Lanny Latham


15 Jun

Barbarella came out in 1968 and was an awesome flick. It was billed as an erotic sci-fi movie, so what’s not to love? I saw it when I was 13, and never found Jane Fonda so attractive since.


The Trailer.

Opening Titles and Scene One.


(Scenes not necessarily in running order)

Being “tortured” in the Excessive Machine.


Her poetic death?

Sexy ladies smoking “Essence of Man”

Barbs “getting it on” with Dildano.

This scene freaks me out…


Robert Rodriguez is doing a remake of the film. Should be good.